Otogi IPA MOD (Damage – Defense Multiplier) iOS is an engaging mobile game available on Android and iOS platforms, developed by Mitama Games HONGKONG Limited. Set in a world where supernatural events occur due to “evil energy” generated by human emotions, players take on the role of a rookie Spirit Agent tasked with resolving mysterious incidents. The game features real-time battles where players control “daemons,” spirits with independent will, to combat monsters and other supernatural beings. Otogi boasts stunning artwork by popular illustrators, fully voiced characters by renowned Japanese voice actors, and a compelling storyline that unfolds through visual novel-style narratives. With its gacha mechanics, players can collect and enhance a variety of uniquely designed daemons, each based on gods, legendary weapons, folklore, and historical figures. The game offers regular events, guild activities, and a mix of 2D and 3D graphics that bring the characters to life during battles. Download Otogi IPA
How to Download And Install Otogi IPA on iPhone iPad without computer?
How to Install Otogi IPA with Sideloadly?
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Updated: 01-01-2025, 11:48 / Price: Free USD / Author: IPA MOD
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